Saturday, September 15, 2012

Hidden Road To Magnificence.✰

*Partial content for my exam(Pre-Finals) on MIS:
2. Why did you choose HRTM as your course?

Hidden Road To Magnificence

I guess you already know my course once you've seen this post. The initials of the heading says it all.

I am a Sophomore studying Bachelor or Science in Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management in the only school accredited by such.- St. Paul University Philippines. An institution where quality education is offered and ensures the bright mere future. These may be the reason why I stay and prefer to scrutinize in SPUP since then. 

W H Y    H R T M?
To be honest, This wasn't my first choice. I was planning to take up Mass Communication but I'm afraid, St. Paul University Philippines is not offering such course. I really wanted to stay in SPUP rather than to study in Manila and mingle with other personalities. I don't know, I just like being a Paulinian and I love the innovations that are elaborated. I wanted change but not in the manner of leaving. Who said there's no change in staying? Of course there is. Change is constant. It's applied everywhere on anything and on any place.=) So, I've said it. I still demanded SPUP for my College education. I believe, many courses are offered but the ones in the School Of Accountancy and Business really made me ponder. I had plans of studying BSBA but I realized, It's not the right one for me at the end of the day. So I preferred HRTM. A double degree course that means, more opportunity will rush to me as soon as I graduate.(Hopefully).;)

I chose this course not because I had no choice. But because this fits my personality. The art of this course really struct me. They call me creative and productive so maybe that also added points toward my goal. 

Hotel. I wanted to have my own hotel in the future but now, I'm having second thoughts. Because everyone wants to have hotels too. So what would the world be soon? Instead of Schools, everything would be loaded with hotels? Isn't that ironic? I just want to balance everything.=) So if I would be lucky to have a chance to build one, I want something unique and remarkable. I wan't to be known by my difference and not by the common.

Restaurant. I know, food is an essential need of a person. So I want to be the provider of such. I want to serve my best in the most simple yet outstanding way. If I'm fortunate enough, I would like a tropical inspired restaurant. It's like being in a place that's very refreshing and cooling. &&& I want to help stressed people by the simple meditation that the aura of my restaurant would give.;) &&& FOOD is my BEST FRIEND!

I know, this is very ambitious but I do believe on dreams and hopes. As long as you have faith and perseverance, you'll have a chance to succeed. We'll never know, maybe this post would be my basis for achieving my ambition.=))

Generally, I chose HRTM because I want to express my self with the art of innovation. In addition, I wan't to expose myself to certain possibilities regarding this field. As what the PHRTS tagline says:
"We don not just fit in, we stand out; We don not make, we innovate."
 Yea, I want to be the part of this step. `Coz I am the change.=) Be positive. I WILL PURSUE MY DREAMS! This may be filled with "wants" but later on these "wants" will be granted. Tiwala lang.;)

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